Thursday 7 October 2010

Target Audience for a magazine

7th October 2010 – Media lesson

In today’s lesson we investigated on some of the magazines. This illustrated the ideal readers (target audience.) This was due to the fact that we examined it in more detailed and asked our selves questions like – “What TV shows do they watch?” This helped us to consider what type of audience could be reading this magazine, e.g. – one of the magazines that I surveyed was “Visor Down” and me and my partner decided and judged that the “TV” shows that this person would be watching reality shows like –“Top gear” and action films, ever since the target audience would be those who are into motorbikes or even an average cars. 

 This research helped me to question myself, whenever I do my own school magazine that I need to consider my target audience and if everything that I put into my front cover is suitable.

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