Wednesday 3 November 2010

Planning and Research for Music Magazine !

I have selected two music magazines, in order to portray how this particular magazine should be displayed. For this reason, I'm going to be analysing the conventions of these two music magazines. 
The image used within this magazine, visibly illustrates a well known artist - Chris Brown that is an icon, for those who are into R&B, Hip-Hop or is a big fan of Chris Brown. Therefore, this particular image has been used in order to attract the readers and inform the target audience about the performer/artist.
What's more, the text used is also a very significant part of any particular magazine. Although, as this is a music magazine, it's important to display a musician within the front cover of a music magazine.

Also, I have chosen another music magazine that has a female artist within the front cover. This magazine is more likely to attract ladies, than men. However, the choise of captions, portray that this magazine is not only for men -"Chris Paul sabing basketball..." Also the choise of colours inform that this magazine is not only for one particular gendre, since the colour of the writing isn't girly pink or navy that is more likely to be seen within men's magazine.

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